Indoor range is closed to public shooting Apr 10 to Nov 4 .... Outdoor range is open year round for handgun and rifle use (see rules)
Designated Indoor Range use time slots
from Nov 4 to Apr 10 with your indoor range wireless fob key -
5:00pm to 9:30pm Monday – Firearms*
5:00pm to 9:30pm Tuesday–5:00 to 8 pm Jr. Archery & Air gun only*... after is shared use**
5:00pm to 9:30pm Wednesday – Firearms and Archery staggered volleys**
5:00pm to 9:30pm Thursday –Archery and air guns*
5:00pm to 9:30pm Friday - Firearms * unless there is a club sponsored event
10am to 9:30pm Saturday all day – Firearms*
10am to 9:30pm Sunday- Firearms*.
All other indoor range times are for rentals and executive authorised use only. All SUVisitors/guests over 18 yrs. old must pay the $10 fee per use. See the posted indoor range rules for all details of use (see website outdoor range is open year round (if weather accessible.) and check the website for any closure dates.)
Important note: If there is NO attendance* for the designated use for that time, other members can use the indoor range for their own shooting (firearm, archery or airgun, etc.). Note: If you go out the range door after the stated closing time, you will not get back in!!!!!
**Staggered volleys means firearm shooters shoots 10 rounds and then ceasefire to check targets, then stay back from the line while archery shooters shoots one flight of arrows (up to 10 at one go without retrieving.). Then archery does ceasefire and retrieves the arrows and then let the firearms shoot a volley of ten rounds. Repeat. (Note: archery gets the use of the right two lanes on staggered volley times if firearm shooters are also using the range)
*No attendance means that if it is an Archery/airguns listed day (for instance Thursday) and if no archery shooters show up then firearm shooters can shoot that day. If Archery/airgun shows up during their listed day, then firearms must vacate the range while the archery is shooting, it is not a shared day. This is reversed for firearm listed days, then archery would have to vacate.
USE NORTH ENTRANCE at 303 DR. FUNG DRIVE off of 2nd St SW Shellbrook
GPS location 53 13’ 02” N 106 23’ 42” W first aid kit in clubhouse Emergency dial 911
- Member only shall use the range but you may bring a SUV (Single Use Visitor). To be legal, you must own a current Target club membership card. (Some exceptions for club activities and for self insured rentals ie. SERM and gov. agencies)
You, as a personal firearm shooter must ensure that you and your SUV shoot under the PAL regulations. You are legally responsible for your SUV who must be under your immediate supervision at all times while they are handling firearms or bows at the range and clubhouse. -
You must PRINT your name and your SUV name in the logbook for each visit. Follow the instructions on the wall to pay the visit fee for your SU visitor before you shoot ($95 penalty). Log-in is Federal required; failure to log in may result in member suspension or expulsion or charges.
- Range officer to be obeyed always. A Club member must be appointed by you as range officer. During a ceasefire, all guns/bows in use must be unloaded, empty, open and either set down or on shooting bench pointing downrange and not handled ..... everyone must stay at least 1m from the bench. It is strongly recommended that police officers do not shoot as regular club members in their police uniform during member shooting hours. There is rental time available for Police, SERM and other government agencies. 306 466 7351
Do not load magazines at the bench during ceasefire except as directed by a range officer.
- Firing line shall be at 25m for allowed cartridges. Your paper or plastic targets must be placed on the plastic target face at the far south end of the range (no target stands). Exception: Handguns or rimfire cartridges only may be fired from the 10m firing line and wooden target stands, if used, may be put only at 3m line and only while shooting from the 10m firing line. Shoot only down a lane. Make sure that your shots are directed to enter bullet catcher backstop when using target stands. - All live firing must be from one firing line and down a lane. The marked East Side range door is for emergency use only & shall remain locked when range is active.
- The Red light at the indoor range door entrance must be turned on when the range is active.- Only Handgun cartridges or rimfire cartridges may be fired during personal shooting times; NO centre fire rifle cartridges or shotgun use. Carbine/rifle/shotgun slug use is regulated as LIMITED to ONLY during Club sanctioned events or as club BOD approved.
- Absolutely NO armour piercing ammo, incendiary or tracers, etc.. Please make sure to hit low on the plastic target back with powerful or magnum cartridges. Please put brass in receptacles & put garbage in its own receptacle. Hearing protection and safety glasses should be worn.- No Alcohol or intoxication or drug impairment. No smoking or e-cigs (public building charges/fines are applicable.) No foul language, no harassment, and no horseplay. No food or drink in the range area. All cig butts are put in the can outside the door.
- DO NOT fire any shots into wood or any place other than your lane’s target area. Anyone not following the rules and/or any unsafe person may be expelled and/or charged. Dangerous use of a firearm is a criminal offence and not following range rules may be considered dangerous use of a firearm. YOU are responsible to pay for the cost of all damages and/or all costs associated with liability/repair/replacement for damage to persons or property as a result of you and/or your SUV using the range. Don’t lend your fob.
Security cameras are on to help keep our range safe.- Markers & push points may be provided for your convenience- please return them to the holder can behind the left baffle. Turn on exhaust fan (west wall switch) to provide airflow & open rear ceiling roof slide INTAKE vents as needed.- This range is looked after by volunteer members, do your part and volunteer to clean, etc. When you leave (do the checklist on the inside of clubhouse door) - Always check the website events, as the range will be closed during club authorised events.- Member personal use shooting times for indoor range, see website or ask for sheet.
No personal member use before 5 pm on weekdays (except LC BOD authorized).