**********Outdoor 200m Range Rules ****** N21
This range is private property. It belongs to the Club. Trespassers will be prosecuted!
Lake Country Wildlife Federation & Lake Country Target Shooting Club Inc.
Emergency phone 911 GPS location 53 17’ 49” N 106 28’ 45” W
First Aid kit is in the yellow booth.
These rules help this range to be used in a safe manner and to keep it open and usable under Canadian Law. - The range is for member use all year (when weather accessible) except you must check club website sbrkwildlife.ca as the range is closed occasionally for club BOD authorised events ….
- Members only! Memberships expire Dec 31. All shooters must shoot under the PAL regulations.
- By Federal Regulation you must print your nameand your SU Visitor names, date in the logbook at each visit before you shoot… and follow the instructions on the yellow box to pay the visit fee for your SUV before you shoot. You can now pay by etransfer.... just fill out the visitor envelope as usual and mark it paid etransfer and date. The etransfer is made to sbrkwildlfefed@gmail.com for auto deposit. (SUV 18 yr and under are free but must print name at log in book at yellow box) (Exceptions: for self insured rentals ie. SERM or govt agencies or Club sanctioned events will just print renting organisation name and persons in charge names using and date used.) This includes anyone using the range including archery must sign in.
- Members may bring a SUV (Single Use Visitor). Your SUV is your full legal responsibility … for safety and legality you must ensure that your SUV is continually under your immediate supervision. Memberships may be purchased at the Shellbrook Flower Shop or Arnie’s Guns or see website sbrkwildlife.ca. (It takes up to 16 days to get your new Fob activated or if your membership expires or is new.)
- Your Key Fob is issued to YOU. All unauthorised range use is trespassing. Do not let other people in at the gate and do not lend your key fob. Lock the gate behind you, both when going in and out. Memberships help pay improvements and upkeep of the range. Do not cut firewood inside the range area.
- Range officer is to be obeyed at all times. A Club member of a shooting party should be appointed as your range officer for the entire firing line for rifle, pistol and shotgun use. At ceasefire: all guns must be unloaded, open & laid on shooting benches pointing downrange. NO FIREARM or MAG or AMMO at the bench SHALL BE TOUCHED during ceasefire without range officer permission!! All firearms must be handled/used in a safe manner & must ONLY be fired downrange from the firing bench/line toward the backstop. Anyone not obeying range rules and/or being unsafe face being expelled and/or charges. Everyone must stay behind the firing line/shooting bench front when range is active. No enforcement or police officers shall shoot wearing their duty uniform during club member shooting hours. There is rental time available for Police, SERM and other government agencies 306 466 7351
No aggressive (growling, barking, etc.) pets allowed on the range. Clean up after your pet. You are totally liable for your pet’s safety and your pets actions at the range regardless of the circumstances.
- Most handgun, rifle and shotgun cartridges can be used on this range (not .50 BMG). EXCEPTIONS: DO NOT shoot AT ANY metal targets with magnum type centrefire rifle cartridges, full metal jacket, incandescent, titanium or armour piercing projectiles. The metal and wood of our range is expensive and can be damaged/destroyed by thoughtless shooters. Anyone who damages the metal, wood or other items on the range will pay for repair of damages & costs and will be expelled and/or charged. Security cameras in use.
- DO NOT fire any shots into wood posts or supports or framing in the target area. Targets must be paper or thin plastic targets, etc. or non-ricochet targets of other material. Legal silhouettes are allowed and Club approved targets. (No cans, bottles, fruit, liquid in containers, etc. for targets) Markers and push points may be provided- please return to the container. NO fruit targets. (NO Bear & pest invites)- Vehicle use is limited down range. Please protect the fragile sand/grass surface.-
Absolutely No alcohol or mind altering drugs or intoxication on the property. No smoking or e cigs,- vape within 15m of firing line. No foul language, no harassment, no horseplay, etc. allowed. No food or drink in the shooting area. Please take your garbage with you, especially food garbage (to avoid bear, insect, rodent problems.)
- Hearing protection and safety glasses should be used. Respect and obey all range signs.
- Please clean up the range when you are done. Please leave it better than you found it.- Please put all brass and not any garbage in the brass container. Emergency phone # is 911- First Aid Kit is available in Yellow booth - report if you use it so we can fill it.
Please report any damage in or around the range, or illegal users…. it will result in followup/prosecution. Range contact: Lyndon Tieszen 466-7351 Ian Clark 306-747-7796 Lloyd Thomas 747-2999
This range is cared for by volunteers, let’s leave our range better than we found it !!!!!!Happy and Safe Shooting!!!!!